As 2022 is coming to an end, I am so very proud to reflect on the achievements we had this year. The PCMA Southeast Chapter Board did an outstanding job working together to navigate the ever-changing post-covid environment, we tried new things and learned a lot along the way.
This year our goal was to have more of a presence in all the states that are part of the Southeast Chapter. We began by holding our first ever two-day meeting for the SE Chapter in Charlotte, NC which was very successful. We held two meetings in Central Florida and plan to host a two-day event there next year, more to come soon. We also partnered with MPI Kentucky on a GMID event in Lexington, KY. The annual strategic board planning was held in Chattanooga, TN. We will continue to seek partnerships throughout the Southeast.
Our chapter also ramped up our community service efforts with donations going to Dress for Success Charlotte, Red Cross – Kentucky Flood Victims Fund, Red Cross – Puerto Rico Hurricane Victims Fund and Power On. By the end of the year, we will identify 10 recipients of NextGen memberships funded by the Ron Olejko Scholarship Fund.
We learned that we always need a back-up plan and having a strong network is essential. I would like to thank Benny Williford, Chapter President of SITE Southeast for coming to our rescue with a last-minute back-up speaker, Corey Perlman for our August education program. Relationships are the key to success, and I am so thankful for everyone in my network.
We met with Students in the Event & Tradeshow class at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington as well as students from the Rosen College of Hospitality. Our Community Service / Emerging Professionals Committee has identified schools in our regions with hospitality programs. We look forward to visiting more schools in 2023 and continue building on our student membership.
We are excited for what 2023 brings and are always open to new ideas to help grow PCMA Southeast. Thank you to everyone that supports our chapter through sponsorships, volunteering and attending our meetings, we canā€™t do it without YOU!